Mbabane – The Mpumalanga tourism and parks agency launched the 3rd annual Mbombela jazz festival on Friday, June 28th.
The launch took place at the Mbabane Hilton Garden Inn Hotel and the actual event is scheduled to take place on September 07 during the tourism month hosted annually in Mpumalanga.
During the launch municipal council of Mbabane mayor, his worship, CLR Sikhumbuzo Dube shared his excitement on being given the opportunity to be part of the 3rd annual Mbombela jazz festival launch. ‘We feel very proud and honoured that an event of this magnitude can be launched in Mbabane, which is also the capital of this big-hearted and beautiful kingdom,’ he said.
He further on added that this was a very proud moment for the municipal council of Mbabane as such initiatives speak to regional integration. In 2012, the municipal council realised the importance of promoting the spirit of brotherliness, skills exchange and culture within the kingdom of Eswatini and neighbouring countries; therefore, for this reason, Mbabane pioneered an agreement which focused on the promotion of culture, business and skills development in the southern Africa region known as the Umsebe record and they remain proud to have been the vanguard of such an initiative thus far.
Council added, ‘I believe this is the right time to also reveal some big but unsung facts about the Mbombela stadium where this jazz event will be held. The construction was also born out of a concerted effort between the municipality of Mbabane, Mbombela and Matola. Mbabane was the key lead in this coalition as it facilitated the visit by FIFA to the kingdom of Eswatini during the preparations of the 2010 FIFA world cup. It is this visit that saw the FIFA delegation meet his majesty the king who pledged the kingdom’s full support of a stadium of that size being built in Mbombela for the mutual benefit of people of Mpumalanga, Eswatini and Mozambique. Yet another beautiful fruit of the international relations venture which Mbabane pioneered, NAWE MBABANE AWUMNCINYANA.’
He concluded by asserting Mbabane’s full support of the Mbombela Jazz Festival and urged all Emaswati to attend this event. He further shared his gratitude on how such similar events held prior to this one had had no room of disappointments and as such they get assured of a similar outcome from this festival. He then wished all a beautiful, safe, entertaining and well attended 3rd Mbombela jazz festival.
Next on the platform was the CEO who opened up on how he wishes to retaliate the need for the three countries, Mozambique, South Africa, Mpumalanga and Eswatini to revive the Thailand initiative so as to have a clear framework for their collaboration. He went on to say that this was the time they needed to corporate more than ever.

‘Looking at regional tourism development, there is huge competition between neighbour destinations which weakens the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the regional tourism development; therefore, there are many reasons why neighbour destinations ought to cooperate with each other. The few most important reasons are that of the creation of spatially wider tourism region for attracting a larger number of tourists enhancing destination product portfolio, cost reduction and efficiency of marketing campaigns, ‘he said.
In partnering with district and local municipalities as well as local businesses and tourism industry stakeholders together with the Mpumalanga tourism and parks agency local entities hope to promote tourism to the area for both leisure and entertainment purposes. Through building awareness of the impact that tourism has on our daily lives and encouraging local and surrounding international visitors from the likes of Mozambique and Swaziland, the 2019 festival looks forward to serenading audiences from various parts of the country and surrounds.
Since the launch of Mbombela jazz festival, a mixture of emerging and established artists across different genres were part of the line-up. This year’s event will be of no difference as it will continue to promote the spirit of inclusivity hence the line-up features both national and international artists like Syleena Johnson from the U.S, Ringo, Amanda Mo from the kingdom of Eswatini, Sjava and many more.
The annual jazz festival will play an integrated role in building awareness and promoting tourism in the region encouraging local travellers to visit the province not only for the many travels and tourists features native to the area but as a source of local and international music, sporting and other entertainment features.
Tickets are available at Galitos/Pizza Inn, Sausage Saloon and MTN eTopupshop; general tickets can be sought for E300 and VIP E3980.00 only. Bring your own camp chairs, cooler boxes and gain free entry.