Eswatini Daily News
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The Republic of South Africa Moves to Adjusted Level 2

In a live stream National Address on SABC News YouTube Channel, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the country moves to adjusted level 2 with effect from tomorrow 13 September 2021.

The President mentioned that the Ministerial Advisory committee on COVID-19 has recommended an easing of restrictions on the movement of people and also gatherings.

These Recommendations are as follows;

  • Hours of Curfew will start from 11pm to 4am.

  • Restaurants, Bars & Fitness Centers will now close at 10pm.

  • Indoor Gatherings will now be limited to a number of 250 people maximum and Outdoor gatherings will be limited to 500 people maximum with appropriate social distancing.

  • Sale of alcohol from retail outlets for offsite consumption will now be permitted between 10am and 6pm from Monday to Friday. For on-site consumption, it will be permitted as per license condition up to 10pm.

    These measures will be reviewed in 2 weeks depending on the condition of the Covid-19.


    The President also went on to mention that the Western Cape Healthcare Department conducted a week survey where they discovered that people above the age of 60 who have been infected with COVID-19, only 30 out of 729 people above the age of 60 who were admitted to the hospital for COVID-19 between the dates of 14 and 20 August 2021 were vaccinated. This means that 699 of those who were admitted were not vaccinated. There were 292 people above the age of 60 who died from Covid-19 that week and 287 of them were found that they were not vaccinated, meaning that only 5 were vaccinated.

    96% of people over 60 years who were hospitalized in the province and more than 98% of the people over 60 who died were not vaccinated and that a similar pattern have emerged in hospitals across the country.

    “We know that a vaccinated person can still be infected and can still pass on the others, people who are vaccinated are far less likely to die of the disease.” says President Ramaphosa.

    South Africa is currently at 7 Million people who are vaccinated.

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