Eswatini Daily News


The Kingdom of Eswatini public and private sector entities are responding to the call of His Majesty King Mswati III to erect Hallelujah banners and posters around the country.

Municipal Councils of Manzini, Mbabane and Ezulwini have responded to the call by erecting hallelujah billboards. The Eswatini Parliament has also led by example by flying hallelujah banners.

The Minister of Housing and Urban Development urged all towns and municipalities to honour the King’s call. Companies and private residences have also displayed Hallelujah banners and stickers. Over the weekend a number of young people were spotted wearing hallelujah T-shirts in town. Local branding companies are now producing Hallelujah promotional materials.

Hallelujah, also spelled alleluia, is a Hebrew liturgical expression meaning “praise ye Yah” or “praise the Lord”.

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