Eswatini Daily News

More Roads and Bridges Damaged During Heavy Rains


Eswatini Daily News
13 January 2022

The heavy rains are continuing to cause major damage to roads and bridges in the country. Residents of Nkamanzi were forced to use a TLB to cross a flooded river. Public transport operators also faced a lot of challenges navigating muddy roads to get passengers home.

A senior official in the Ministry of Public Works said they have dispatched teams to go and assess the damage countrywide and emergency works have commenced in some areas. The teams are continuing to assess the extent of the damage and the Ministry of Public Works will attend to emergencies countrywide.

The Ministry of Natural Resources issued a warning on rising river levels in the country. The Ministry has urged the public not to cross low level bridges which are submerged by raging waters & not to cross or swim in these flooded rivers.

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