Eswatini Daily News
By: EDN Reporter
Tuesday marks day two of mixed feelings on whether to step out for business in the kingdom or not. Most businesses are operating as usual.
Public transport is available for commuters to all destinations, this was communicated by Constable Fakudze in an interview this morning. “Imigwaco yelive siyihlohlile but atisito letivimba umshayeli kutsi afike lalaya khona. Linani letimoto liyakhula futsi letsembisa kukhula lilanga lisachubeka” she said. Meaning, all town roads have been checked and it is safe for the nation to get on the road. It is without doubt that car movement count is growing and will continue to grow as we progresses into the day.
MANZINI: Once again some pupils are being sent back home in some schools in Manzini as a few learners showed up and some teachers have not reported for work yet. This is witnessed through students once again moving around town, window shopping and others relaxing through chats and giggles.
Ministry of Education, Head of Principals, Welcome Mhlanga stated that Government has tasked principals to watch closely as supervisors if teachers reported for work and give feedback. He explained that they will adhere to Government’s instruction. They will further scrutinize reasons for teacher’s absenteeism taking into account that some teachers live far from their place of work and are sometimes affected by transport unavailability.
MBABANE : Businesses are operating as usual in the capital city.
MANZINI: Busrank is operational and there are no signs of disruption.