By Bahle Gama
The Covid-19 pandemic effects have been singled out as one of the reasons that triggered the decision to sell Mananga Centre for Regional Integration and Management Development, Ezulwini Campus with a reserve price tag of E24 million.
In an interview responding to what motivated putting the institution of higher learning in the market, the CEO and Director Ranga Taruvinga said COVID-19 affected the socio-economic environment and therefore, they opted to look at restructuring and realignment of the business.
“This is to ensure that we remain robust, and we believe there are investors who share our vision of developing leaders,” he said.
The property’s reserve price reportedly dropped from E30.3 million to E24 million last week after unsuccessfully securing bids for the past three months since it was put on the market. The 2.04-hectare property which is located in Ezulwini consists of cottages and students’ accommodation, a clubhouse, a kitchen and dining area, lecture rooms and administration offices which consist of a reception, four offices, a scullery, toilet, bathroom and patio.
The school has been operating for 24 years in the country and offers over 120 programmes. This has resulted in the school priding itself in being the only leading private higher education institution in the country having been committed to the development of quality human resources for business.
The school has a long history of being a management development centre, focusing mainly on workplace skills development and employee productivity enhancement. In response to whether the auction will affect this year’s school calendar, the Director said such would not be the case and they will be opening for this year’s intake next Monday.
“We are opening on January 9 for this year’s intake, and we anticipate a good year. 2023 is also a significant year in the Mananga narrative, as we celebrate our 50th anniversary in existence,” he said.
Meanwhile, a staff member who commented on the condition of anonymity said they were aware of the auction and hoped that the change in ownership will not affect their jobs.
“It is quite terrifying because currently, we do not know what to expect if the sale is successful. We are hoping that whoever purchases the school is considerate enough not to get rid of us the staff, as is the case in most businesses that are bought,” said the employee.
The employee stated that they hoped everything will be communicated clearly when they return to the school on Monday.
Covid-19 effects triggered Mananga Centre auction