By Bahle Gama
Two men were arrested for housebreaking and the theft of over E13 000 worth of items.
The duo Lungisani Agrippa Msibi (29) and Mangaliso Mangrish Dlamini (22) of the Siphocosini area allegedly broke into Lungelo Sihlongonyane’s house and stole cash and items valued at E13 787.50 respectively.
These included a laptop valued at E6 000, a gaming machine at E2 000, cash amounting to E2 440, eggs, toilet paper, candles, sugar, mayonnaise, cooking oil, bars soaps, and tea bags amongst other things.
Appearing before Magistrate Lenhle Zulu the duo moved a bail application after the crown stated that bail was not opposed. In moving their bail applications, the duo told the court that they each had toddlers whom they needed to cater to and would suffer in the event they were not granted bail.
Msibi said he has a four-month-old whilst Dlamini said he has a seven-month-old baby. They were each granted bail at E2 500 on the condition that they did not commit a similar offence whilst out on bail, do not interfere with state witnesses, and always show up in court for
all remand hearings and trials.
They are set to return to court on February 21 for remand.
Duo arrested for housebreaking, stealing over E13 000 worth of items