Eswatini Daily News

Day 06 – Eswatini Trade Fair 2018

Today on Day 06 we decided to visit Eswatini Mobile just to know more about the newly launched e-Mali service.

Eswatini Mobile:

Eswatini Mobile e-Mali is set to change how consumers will transact on their Eswatini Mobile devices. The services’ most exciting feature is the fact that e-Mali can be received by all SIM cards operating in the Kingdom.

Register for Eswatini Mobile e-Mali and enter your financial First World. It is safe, simple to use and convenient for financial access anywhere. Once registered, all services are accessible easily by dialling *232#.


Visit your nearest Swazi Mobile Experience Centre or agent outlet with your ID and proof of residence. Once your account has been activated, you will receive an SMS with your activation information. Dial *232# to complete registration process and choose a unique PIN that secures your funds. Remember to keep this PIN a secret.


Just load e-Mali from as little as E20, you can buy it from any e-Mali agent or Eswatini Mobile Experience Centre. An Eswatini Mobile e-Mali subscriber can keep up to E25,000 in their account and can transact up to E4,000 per day.

Eswatini Mobile e-Mali Services

  1. Sending Money
  2. Withdraw Cash
  3. Buy Airtime
  4. Deposit e-Mali to your bank account
  5. Buy electricity
  6. Pay bills
  7. Pay Store
  8. Get the best deals on promotions
  9. Manage your account
To know more about this service Watch and share this video or tag a friend who might have interest on registering… We also then visited other stalls like Swaziland Royal Insurance Corporation and ESERA

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