Eswatini Daily News

First Day of Sipho Shongwe’s Trial at the High Court in Mbabane

Swallows present;
– Mr Sandile Zwane – General Manager
– X13 Supporters

10.23 a.m – 11.00 a.m 👉🏻 Steve Horton Testified about a meeting held on 18.12.2017 where he had it with Mike Mamba and Shongwe around Manzini near Galp Filling Station where Shongwe found them waiting and joined them. Then out of the blue Shongwe told him that Gamedze uyamenyanyisa sekusele kancane.

At 11.01 a.m – 11.19 a.m 👉🏻 Zeeman Testified that on the 14.01.2018 while at the Ezulwini Galp Filling Station he saw a Double Cab Toyota and when the car passed the driver greeted him but he didn’t know the person and while it drove he looked at the car driving to the parking. He saw the person with an old man and entered the shop. He saw a thin man in a blue Jean running with a sky blue top lenesigcoko, running towards Gamedze’s car and heard a gun shot and Gamedze fell on the ground.
Basebayabaleka bashona ngase mgwacweni lobheka eMbabane. By the Bus Station, there was a red Polo with no number plates which he entered.

Wabuya waya kuGamedze wavele wabona lamehlweni kutsi sofile Gamedze ngobe lemitsambo yengati beyingasabonakali kani nemehlo akhe bewavuleke kakhulu.
Wabona inhlavu leyangena entsanyeni yaphumela enhloko ebucosheni.

At 11.22 a.m – 11.37 a.m 👉🏻Mkhulu Ananiyas Khumalo, testified that he was at the Ezulwini Galp Filling Station ngalelilanga babe wetfu adutjulwa.
He said he was walking with (umzala wakhe) one Swallows elder Mr Hlophe on the 14.01.2018 while inside the shop Mr Gamedze came in to buy Coffee he went to him to thank him for his kind donation of food given to him with 4 Swallows Patrons in December 2017 for Christmas.
Waphuma esitolo talking to Mr Gamedze, he saw someone lobekagcoko loku blue from top to bottom nalesigcoko sasifika lamehlweni who came in between them he placed a gun and shot him twice and told him “sesidziniwe nguwe”😭😭😭. Then he ran away and Khumalo followed him and he saw him enter a red car which was sealed with a brown sellotape so there was no numberplate. Base bashaya lithayi bahamba.

Mr Khumalo usetophindze abitwe ngalelinye lilanga ngobe kusetodlalwa le Video yase Galp😭😭😭

At 11.38 a.m 👉🏻 Sipho “Tsetla” Bhembe, testified that he met Gamedze at Somhlolo Stadium during Swallows Vs Wanderers on the 14.01.2018. While moving towards the Royal Box he came across Dzodzo Zikalala and they greeted each other as they knew each other at the Solanis. Nasekahleli phansi, wase ubona Dzodzo eme na Tsotsi Mabila bakhuluma. Wase ubona Tsotsi ahlala eceleni kwa Gamedze. Emvakwe sikhatsi wabona Dzodzo abuta lomunye cc kutsi uphi Tsotsi wamtjela kutsi uphumile. Wahamba kwatsi emvakwe sikhatsi wabona Dzodzo analomunye bhuti loncama lobekafake sikipa lesi blue bakhombisana ngenhloko lapho kuhleli khona Gamedze.
Lokwenta wamnaka Dzodzo kutsi Dzodzo abengasuye umuntfu loya ebholeni manje kwamenta wamnaka.

After game driving around lesibhedlela sebukhosi he saw Dzodzo’s car with other cars following Gamedze’s car. Dzodzo beka nalomunye umuntfu lamotweni kodvwa akambonanga.

Nakabona titfombe ephepheni wabona kutsi lomuntfu ngulobekana Dzodzo lebekamkhombisa Gamedze ngenhloko.

Nga March 2018 then recorded a statement with the Police. He also recorded another statement with the Police after a meeting with Shongwe to reveal that in 2017 they met at an Italian Restaurant in Matsapha lapho atsi kufuna kutfolakale bantfu bambulale ngobe Swallows is dominating because Gamedze is corrupt so they needed to deal with him but ngeke babhadale ngobe kukhona lotobhadala ente lomsebenti.

Akavumanga Tsetla kuleplani ngako wabese uyahamba nekukhuluma naye.
Then Mduduzi Dlamini (nasilima se Highlander) satsi ku Tsetla “ubenteleni lobulima ngalendzaba ya Gamedze”.

After Gamedze’s death on Tuesday he saw Dzodzo around CTA and they greeted then Dzodzo told him kunebantfu lamasola ngekufa kwa Gamedze kantsi yena akangenelani nebhola ngabe kusolwa lababebhola hhayi yena.

On the same day Gamedze was killed; he called two Policemen (Solomon Mavuso) to arrest Shongwe, Dzodzo and Tsotsi Mabila for Gamedze’s death.
Then the following day on Monday, he called another Cop – Bheki Dlamini to arrest the same people.

Lokwababuhlungu kuye kutsi “bebalungisela kuhamba na Gamedze baye eShayina kuyotsenga tembatfo te Swallow”.

He recorded another statement with Police to protect himself as these people might then kill him.

At 1.05 p.m Case adjourned until 2.30 p.m

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