Eswatini Daily News


MTN Eswatini would like to warn the public that there is a syndicate that is misleading Mobile Money subscribers into believing that MTN is updating their Mobile Money accounts. They make calls to subscribers, targeting the elderly in particular, who may have just deposited bulk cash with MTN agents.

During the calls they make, the targeted Mobile Money subscribers are taken through a short cut for making ATM withdrawals. The short cut for ATM withdrawal is *007*4*3*1#. This syndicate does this for two reasons. First, it is to confuse the elderly who may only be familiar with taking one step at a time when making ATM withdrawals. Second, this process seeks to find both the Mobile Money subscriber’s PIN and a One Time Password (OTP) to enable a remote withdrawal in Building Society or Eswatini Bank ATMs.

To protect themselves from the syndicate, Mobile Money subscribers are encouraged to take the following precautions:

  • When you take our phone for repairs please remove the SIM card so that it is not used by others to commit a crime.
  • In the event you lose a SIM card, you are encouraged to do a SIM swap rather than buying a new SIM card because your previous number may still be used by other people to commit a crime which may be traced back to you.
  • When you deposit cash with agents, try to make sure that the person behind you does not look over the transaction.
  • Do not shout out your SIM number and password but should preferably write it down. If you are unable to write, you are advised to whisper your number to an agent.
  • Once again, do not share your Mobile Money Personal Identity Number (PIN).

Those who have been taken advantage off by this syndicate have already made police reports in Nhlangano, Matsapha – Sigodvweni, Mafutseni and Mbabane, to mention but a few. MTN is confident that police will swiftly close in on the culprits.

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