Eswatini Daily News

Eswatini recorded the highest number in one day

The Ministry of Health informed the public that an additional twenty (20) cases of COVID-19 were confirmed yesterday.

A total of 212 results were received today out of which 192 were negative and twenty (20) were positive.

This brings the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country to a total of ninety-one (91). The details of the 20 newly confirmed cases are as follows:

Case #72 is a 26 year old female who resides in the Manzini Region. She has
presented with a mild disease.

Case #73 is a 34 year old female who resides in the Hhohho Region. She has
no history of travel but is a contact of one of the confirmed cases.

Case #74 is a 64 year old female from the Manzini Region. She has no history of travel and she presented with mild symptoms.

Case #75 is a 29 year old female from the Manzini Region. She presented with a severe form of the disease.

Case #76 is a 36 year old female from the Lubombo Region. She is a health worker and has history of contact.

Case #77 is 56 year old female from the Lubombo Region. She is a health worker and has history of contact.

Case #78 is a 47 year old male from the Lubombo Region. He is a health worker and has a history of contact.

Case #79 is a 35 year old male from Lubombo Region. He is a health worker
and has a history of contact.

Case #80 is a 33 year old male from Manzini Region. He presented with a mild disease.
Case #81 is a 37 year old male from Manzini Region. He presented with a mild disease.
Case #82 is a 21 year old male from Manzini Region. He presented with a mild disease and is a contact to a confirmed case.

Case #83 is a 23 year old female from Manzini Region. She presented with a
mild disease and is a contact to a confirmed case.

Case #84 is a 19 year old male from Manzini Region. He presented with a mild disease and is a contact to a confirmed case.

Case #85 is a 35 year old female from Manzini Region. She presented with mild disease and is a contact to a confirmed case.

Case #86 is a 37 year old male from Manzini Region. He presented with no symptoms and is a contact to a confirmed case.

Case #87 is a 33 year old male from Manzini Region. He presented with a mild disease and is a contact to a confirmed case.

Case #88 is a 29 year old female from Manzini Region. She has no symptoms but is a contact to a confirmed case.

Case #89 is a 53 year old female from Hhohho Region. She presented with a mild disease.

Case #90 is a 23 year old female from Manzini Region. She presented with mild symptoms and is a contact with a confirmed case.

Case #91 is a 32 year old female from Manzini Region. She presented with
mild symptoms and is a contact to a confirmed case.

The following should be noted pertaining yesterday’s confirmed cases:

  1. 4 of the cases are clinicians
  2. 14 are from the Manzini Region, 4 from Lubombo Region and 2 from Hhohho Region.

The Ministry of Health wishes to emphasize the importance of cooperating with health advice as follows:

  1. The public is advised to wash hands with soap and running water or use a hand sanitizer and to observe hand hygiene always;
  2. Cover the mouth when coughing or sneezing and preferably use a face mask;
  3. All suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 should wear a mask as advised by health practitioners and isolate themselves from others.
  4. A Mask should be worn properly, covering the nose and mouth and be
    kept in place until when it is changed for a fresh one.
  5. All patients that have been confirmed positive have a duty to comply with the expectation to be registered for care with the COVID-19 Case Management Team of the Ministry of Health.
  6. The public is requested to cooperate with Rapid Response Teams as they go about their duties finding contacts of positive cases.

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