Eswatini Daily News

Struggling to tweet and update Facebook for your business?

Unless you’ve been living in a cave somewhere, you’ve probably had plenty of people tell you that your business can be more successful if you maintain a good social media presence. In fact, those people may have even thrown some numbers at you: 91% of Eswatini. adults use social media regularly, with 73% of those who are smartphone users accessing their accounts through an app at least once daily. As a result, around 93% of marketers use social media accounts in order to promote their businesses online.

What does that add up to, in realistic terms? In the Kingdom of Eswatini, this means that social media gives businesses access to hundreds of millions of potential customers; worldwide, those numbers of social media users reach into the billions. To say that these sites and apps are a waste is to negate the fact that they have a reach unlike any other form of advertising. And consider this: if you’re using SEO for your business and you have a newly optimized website, it’s a shame to not point people in the right direction.

So how can a social media management company (Africa AD Agency) boost your likes and follower count — and get you some business in turn? Here are three reasons that social media management services may be necessary for your business.

Business Owners don’t exactly know what to do with social media accounts they have, either.

Despite the fact that millions of businesses take advantage of social media, 54% surveyed admit that they could use more help in marketing themselves on those sites. Additionally, some may come across as too “ad-sy” on social media, which means that they could turn away customers who aren’t looking to be marketed to directly. You can have a professional social media consultant work with you to develop a successful campaign with a better chance of bringing customers to you.

Social media can tie in to the content creation you’ve done for SEO.

If you’re already working with a small business SEO consulting firm for your digital marketing and search engine optimization, then you’ve likely had content created to promote your brand. From blog posts to videos, your SEO management firm may have created some type of content for you that’s designed to get your website some hits. However, what good is that content if you’re not sharing it?

Tweeting your videos, sharing your blog links on Facebook, or even using your current events to entice B2B clients on LinkedIn are all excellent strategies, and if you don’t have time for it, a social media management company can do that promotion for you.

How does your business take advantage of social media? What has worked and not worked for you? Tell us in the comments.

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