Eswatini Daily News
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Sosiza Road Closed for 14 – Days

2 September 2021

Sozisa Road in the Central Business District (CBD) of Mbabane has been closed for reconstruction that is expected to take approximately 14 days to completion.

Roads in the Capital such as (MR19) Mvakwelitje-Mahwalala Road have deteriorated, are in a poor condition and full of potholes. As trecherous as some of the roads are, nothing has been done for a long time.

Road Works Manager Bheki Tfumbatsa said “We inspect all the roads within our jurisdiction and then make a decision on which roads to reconstruct. Prioriy however, is given to roads in the CBD”.

Tfumbatsa went on to explain that there are different treatments required for different types of damaged roads. The repair costs also differ depending on the type of treatment,”

He went on to stress that it is better to reconstruct the road at this stage because roads with potholes are much more costly if repairs are delayed.

”When looking at the road with the naked eye, one may no see any major apparent damage, however, from our technical surveys we found that the degradation of the road started three to five years ago.”

Reconstruction of Sosiza Road is being implemented by the Municipality and not a contractor. “The project is encased in-house, we are using our own engineers and equipment, we only outsource the skills and equipment we do not possess.” he explained.

“Due to the Municipality’s finances, this financial year allows the reconstruction of part of Sosiza Road. The remaining part of the road will be a done in the next financial year.” Said Tfumbatsa.

Tfumbatsa expressed that all of the roads that need attention in the city will be attended to in due course, one financial year at a time.

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