Eswatini Daily News
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Inyatsi Puts E500,000 Reward for Arrests of Terrorists

Eswatini Daily News
21 June 2022

Inyatsi Construction has put a whooping E500,000 reward to anyone who will come forward and provide valuable information that may lead to the successful apprehension and prosecution of the terrorists behind the torching of its properties.

This was revealed by the construction giant’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Derrick Shiba on Tuesday. Echoing Shiba’s remarks was the CEO of Inyatsi Construction Group Investment Portfolio, Paul Lwiindi who said they will ensure that the information that will be provided will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
“We can guarantee confidentiality and protection of the informants,” Lwiindi said.

The reward was announced at a press briefing held at Inyatsi Head Offices in Manzini, where the company also notified the public of its decision to temporary shutdown down its operations for a week.

This comes after the latest terrorists’ attack on one of its sites at Sigombeni where heavy plant machinery, including TLBs and tipper trucks, were burnt down, costing the company over E50 million loss. For the sake of its 2 300 direct employees, Inyatsi Construction has taken a proactive stance to tighten security in response to the escalating and recurring targeted attacks that have seen the destruction of machinery and equipment at three of its sites over the last year.

The three attacks of last year cost the company over E65 million.

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