Eswatini Daily News
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‘Shut down will hurt Eswatini’ – Acting PM

Eswatini Daily News

By Khulile Thwala

Acting Prime Minister Themba Masuku says the mass demonstration earmarked to hit the capital will hurt the country.

Masuku on Monday said the planned action could not have come at the worst time. He said such an action would exacerbate unemployment, poverty, and anarchy, negatively impact the economy and undermine social development.

He outlined the impact the protest action would have on various sectors. Here are the five things the Acting Prime Minister says will be heavily affected by threats of a mass protest:


The APM said it was disheartening that this protest coincided with Form Five external examinations and therefore any disruption could potentially lead to a bleak future for the pupils who will be sitting for exams tomorrow.

“Children have the right to education, and it is not in their interest to be disrupted from their schoolwork. The government will do whatever it takes not to allow anyone to destroy the future of our children.”

Public Transport Operation

The APM urged public transport operators and workers to move the economy, emphasizing that the government was committed to supporting the transport sector with every available resource.

Service Delivery

The APM magnified the contribution the public sector played in the economy and further urged public servants to go to work tomorrow, highlighting that commitment to service delivery would be expected from them even tomorrow. Highlighting that Eswatini was blessed with some of the most professional public servants in the region.

Peace and Stability

Masuku said calls to ‘reclaim what was constitutionally stolen’ made by protesters were misdirected, mentioning that government wishes to make it known that there are processes to be followed whenever there are constitutional amendments to be made.

The APM further sent a strong warning to the perpetrators and propagators of violence and acts of terrorism in the country, saying they should desist from sending the country into a state of anarchy and sowing fear among the populace. Assuring the public at large as well as the business community that government will do all in its power, using all available resources, to provide the necessary protection.

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