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Government considers privatizing drugs procurement, dispensing

By Ntombi Mhlongo

To curb the shortage of drugs in public health facilities allegedly caused by mishandling and theft, the government is mulling privatizing its procurement and dispensing. 

Speaking during the closing of the Cabinet Retreat at the Royal Villas, Prime Minister Cleopas Dlamini said the issue of drugs shortage has been a major national concern over the past few years. He said as Cabinet, they have agreed that this is a critical issue, as a healthy nation is what all governments should aspire to attain and retain. 

Read More: Eswatini government announces disbursement of elderly grants 

“Cabinet looked at strategies that need to be urgently implemented to ensure that this issue does not continue in the coming financial year. We agreed that perhaps it is time we considered privatizing the supply and distribution of medicines at public hospitals. Other options are also on the table,” the PM said.

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At the same event, the PM revealed that this year, the government has planned new potable water projects to the value of E298.05 million. These will benefit 45 620 people. Through the support of the World Bank, he said the government will also be developing a national potable water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) master plan to guide the planning of water projects in the country.

 The PM also promised that the government will continue to put more effort into road rehabilitation and maintenance. This includes the rehabilitation of low-level crossings, gravelling and blading of roads, street lighting maintenance, road reserves maintenance, countrywide asphalt programme, guardrails maintenance and road-marking. 

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“We are also looking at entering into a Public Private Partnership that will see the construction of a number of major roads across the country spread over the next four years. The tender process for some of these projects is already underway,” he said.

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