Eswatini Daily News

By Ntombi Mhlongo

Dr Nandipha Magudumana, the woman implicated in the case of Facebook rapist Thabo Bester has postponed her bail application.

During her appearance at the Bloemfontein Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, it was reported that she will not proceed with her bail application. Her lawyers, according to SABC News, are said to have made the announcement.

“We are not abandoning it. Let her matter be rolled over to May 16 as there is a new material that has come to light which needs to be ventilated,” the lawyers were quoted as having said.

Read More: Dr Nandipha Magudumana, co-accused remanded in custody

It was stated that the legal team approached the court in the morning and explained that there was a written request for some information which they had to respond to.

Following the request, the Magistrates’ Court granted the order to have the bail application rolled over to May 16. It will be the same day when Magudumana’s father, Zolile Sekeleni and Bester will be back in court.

Meanwhile, Newzroom Afrika reported that the media has been given strict conditions for covering Magudumana and her co-accused’s bail application. It was reported that members of the media were told that they can take the bail application but cannot take witness testimonies live or even reveal their identities.

They are accused of assisting the convicted Bester to escape prison.

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