Eswatini Daily News

(Reuters) Japan may be getting its very own floating city. Japanese start-up N-Ark has unveiled designs for a floating city which provides cutting-edge medical care while also adapting to the challenges posed by climate change.

Spanning 390 acres, the concept – known as Dogen City – includes a “no-illness” neighbourhood accommodating 40,000 individuals at a time, consisting of 10,000 permanent residents and 30,000 tourists.

During peaceful times, it functions as a floating city; however, it can transform into a self-sufficient island in the event of a natural disaster. According to the company, the circular layout of the city, resembling a floating disc, would house public housing, medical research centres, food manufacturers, and even special launch sites for future rockets. The city would primarily comprise three key components. Firstly, a “habitable ring” would feature essential living infrastructure.

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Designed in the shape of a ring, this area would safeguard the inner bay from the perils of tsunamis and rising sea levels. Secondly, an underwater data centre would be constructed to offer various services to the community, including urban management, healthcare data analysis, and drug research. By utilising the surrounding water for cooling purposes, the data centre would conserve energy.

Lastly, the autonomous floating architecture would have the freedom to move within the inner bay without being constrained by land, allowing the island to adjust its configuration based on its required functions or the changing climate.

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Concerning the smart healthcare aspect of Dogen City, residents would have access to telemedicine daily, monitoring their health status through ring devices, blood samples, and even genome analysis. Medical tourism would play a significant role in the city’s economy, while a portion of the island would focus on seawater agriculture and aquaculture complexes for food production.

Additionally, Dogen City could serve as a refuge for victims of natural disasters and climate refugees when the need arises.

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