Eswatini Daily News
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Lidwala Insurance stands by its claims process

By EDN Reporter

Lidwala Insurance stands by its claims process and refuses to get into a public arena of mudslinging following a concerted social media effort to discredit the organisation.

The management on Thursday issued a public statement to clarify how its processes work when an individual submits a claim.

“It has come to our attention that various sections of the print and electronic media have reported about a claim that was allegedly not paid by Lidwala for political reasons. While we are not in a position to comment directly on the particular claim because of Data Protection laws, we, however, feel obliged to set the record straight,” the organisation said.

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“Lidwala Insurance is a reputable insurance company, regulated by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority. All insurance coverage issued by our company is issued against a detailed policy wording that spells out the details of what is covered and the parameters of cover.”

Lidwala Insurance said at the claims stage, all losses incurred by insured persons are evaluated against the parameters of cover issued.

Lidwala Statement

“Therefore, it is imperative to mention that Lidwala has a robust claims payment procedure in place to ensure that all clients receive their rightful claims settlements within the stipulated time frame,” Lidwala management said.

Social media has been inundated with reports of people seemingly with ulterior motives calling for the boycott of the company. This followed reports by some sectors of the media that published untested allegations and claims made by convicted former MP Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza in court.

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He claimed that he was not paid out after a claim because someone issued an instruction against that. The Eswatini Daily News has, however, been able to establish that there is no truth to the statements.

“Further, in the unfortunate event that a claim has to be rejected, the Client is fully appraised of the reasons for rejection and their rights in terms of the law. Clients not satisfied with the outcome of a claim have a right to approach the Ombudsman Financial Services to file a complaint against their insurer,” the Lidwala management added.

The company said it could not go into detail regarding the matter as they are governed by laws and regulations that demand the protection of clients’ information. It further refuted that external parties can swing the decision for a claim to be paid.

“Client rights and client confidentiality are key to our company and we do not consult with any external parties before claims are admitted”.

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