Eswatini Daily News

By Thokozani Mazibuko

Eswatini will be hosting about nine countries during the Golden Jubilee celebration which will be held next year.

About 80 bishops within the Roman Catholic Church from nine member countries in Southern Africa will attend the much-anticipated Inter-Regional Meeting of the Bishops of Southern Africa (IMBISA) Golden Jubilee celebration.

The Diocese of Manzini Roman Catholic Bishop Jose Luis Ponce de Leon announced this.
He made this announcement on Wednesday morning during the launch of the year of preparation for the IMBISA Golden Jubilee celebration.

The launch was held at the Bishop Chancery in Manzini and according to the bishop, they were excited to host the IMBISA Golden Jubilee celebration in the country next year.

The Bishop pointed out that IMBISA was formed in 1975 in Pretoria, South Africa, but interestingly enough, the first office of IMBISA was in Manzini.

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He mentioned that because of the plenary rotation that they normally undertake within the member countries in the Southern African region, in terms of hosting the IMBISA,

It so happened that the historical golden jubilee celebration, which is one of the most important in the history of IMBISA will be taking place in Eswatini.

The bishop said they were excited about the main celebration taking place in the country, as it will bring about 80 bishops within the Roman Catholic Church from nine member countries in Southern Africa together with a number of priests and other delegates.

“This means that Eswatini will become the centre of attraction since all the eyes in the Southern African region will be looking at Eswatini,

As we come together to celebrate the journey of 50 years but also looking forward to be the beacon of hope in difficult times as we have always been in this region,” the bishop said.

When making his remarks the President of the IMBISA Standing Committee Archbishop Liborius Ndumbukuti Nashenda mentioned that they will be doing a continuous planning and facilitation of IMBISA and therefore,

This week they have decided to come to Eswatini, not only to visit, but to also give support to the local church in the country.

Nashenda mentioned that since IMBISA will be celebrating 50 years of existence and they have decided to celebrate the country, their visit to Eswatini was centred around looking at ways in which they can organise the event.

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“Therefore, we are here as members of the IMBISA Standing Committee to learn, see the area, visit the local church and to give our necessary support, so that together as a Southern African region, we are able to support one another,” he said.

The archbishop highlighted that IMBISA provides leadership by responding to the needs of the time, through the process of evangelisation in the spirit of communion.

He said IMBISA members will benefit from solidarity and mutual support as they will be hosting the IMBISA Golden Jubilee celebration in the country.

The archbishop further mentioned that IMBISA is made of nine Southern African countries namely Eswatini, South Africa, Botswana, Angola, Zimbabwe, Sao Tome, Principe, Namibia, Lesotho and Mozambique.

“It is with boundless joy and gratitude that we gather here today (Wednesday) to launch the beginning of the IMBISA Golden Jubilee celebrations under the theme:

“IMBISA Golden Jubilee: A synodal journey, nourished by compassion and blossoming in faith as pilgrims of hope,” he said.

Catholic pic

He said as they embark on this momentous occasion, guided by the words, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6), they were reminded of the path that brought them to this significant milestone.

He mentioned that for 50 years, the IMBISA family has been a beacon of hope and unity, promoting collaboration and solidarity among their member countries.

He said This Jubilee celebration was a testament to their members’ enduring commitment to uphold the values of compassion, faith, and truth in all they do.

“On the other hand, the IMBISA family is a testimony of Collegiality emphasised by the Second Vatican Council, which affirms that

“Collegial union also appears in the mutual relations of each bishop with the particular churches and with the universal church.

This variety of local churches converging towards unity, more clearly manifests the catholicity of the undivided Church” (Lumen Gentium, 23),” he said.

He said the Synod on Synodality convened by Pope Francis under the theme ‘For a Synodal Church: Communion,

Participation and Mission was a moment of grace that the Lord, in his goodness and mercy, provides them with, to solidify their beautiful journey, that of walking together as a family on pilgrimage.

“As we reflect on our path so far and look to the future, let us continue to walk together in solidarity, guided by the light of Christ’s teachings,” he said.

He said the proverb that says, “if you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together,” is well known.

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Ahe mentioned that they want to go far, united in the love of the risen Lord, the Good Shepherd.
He said their region (Southern African region) faces many challenges and problems, some caused by nature and others by human beings themselves.

“Just as an example, on the one hand, we have the problem of drought that exposes many people to hunger, frequent floods and tropical depressions that cause a lot of suffering to our people,

The phenomena that invite us to take seriously the teachings of Pope Francis in Laudato Si and Laudate Deum,” he said.

On the other hand, he said they have the problem of migration, especially forced migration, a violation of the most basic human rights, corruption, conflicts and wars, acts that prove that living the teachings of Fratelli Tutti was still a dream or a wish that is still far to be realized.

He said these challenges only reveal to them that the jubilee year invites them to take it as an opportunity that the Lord gives them to increase their faith, hope and trust in him who told them that in the world they will have tribulations; but they should have confidence, for He has overcome the world’ (John 16:33).

“I hereby call upon all governments and states in our IMBISA Region to join us in this noble cause, for as the saying goes, many hands make light work.

May this jubilee year be a time of renewal, growth, and blessings for us all as we strive to fulfil our mission with love and dedication. With hearts full of gratitude and enthusiasm,

let us officially begin IMBISA’s Golden Jubilee celebrations, knowing that with faith as our foundation, there is no limit to what we can achieve together.

With these few words, I now declare IMBISA Jubilee officially opened,” he said.

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