Eswatini Daily News

When he was young, the Taiwan president said he was determined to practice medicine and save lives. When he went into politics he was determined to transform Tai


“Now, standing here, I am determined to strengthen the nation. With an unwavering heart, I accept the responsibility the people have entrusted to me as the 16th-term president of t

he Republic of China.

In accordance with the Republic of China Constitution system, I will take on that solemn responsibility of leading the nation bravely forward,” he promised his people on Monday.

President Ching-te said this journey came about because of the valiant sacrifices and devotion of the many generations of people of Taiwan. “Although it was an arduous one, we made it through.

Now, we not only witness the beginning of a new administration but also usher in another hard-earned victory for democracy,” he said.


Following the April 3 earthquake in Taiwan, the new president announced that the central government had already drawn up plans to funnel NT$28.55 billion into reconstruction and industry stimulus.

He said this would help the people of Hualien return to their normal lives as quickly as possible. He, once again, expressed sympathy and condolences to the victims and their families.

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He also thanked all citizens who have assisted in the earthquake response and reconstruction efforts, as well as the international community for their concern and support.


Taiwan President Lie Ching-te has said Taiwan needs the world, just as the world needs Taiwan. He has said that Taiwan is not just opening a door to the world, but that Taiwan is already on the world’s centre stage.

“As we look toward our future we know that semiconductors will be indispensable. And the AI wave has already swept in. Taiwan has already

mastered advanced semiconductor manufacturing, and we stand at the centre of the AI revolution.

We are a key player in supply chains for global democracies. For these reasons, Taiwan has an influence on global economic development, as well as humanity’s well-being and prosperity.”


“He said the government would work hard towards helping their enterprises expand their presence and market internationally.

Taiwan has officially applied to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), and we will continue to engage actively in regional economic integration.”

“We will endeavour to sign bilateral investment agreements with other democracies around the world and further deepen our trade partnerships.

We will also work to resolve the carbon tax issue and thus open the path for further development,” he said.

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