Eswatini Daily News

By Ncaba Ntshakala

The Minister of Natural Resources and Energy, Prince Lonkhokhela, represented Eswatini at the 42nd SADC Joint Committee of Ministers responsible for Energy and Water, held in the Republic of Angola on May 30, 2024.

The event, hosted in Luanda, gathered key stakeholders to review progress and strategize on regional programmes in the energy and water sectors, aligned with SADC’s comprehensive development plans.

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) issued a statement highlighting the meeting’s focus on the second short-term action plan of the SADC Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan Strategic Development Plan (RIDMP) for 2023-2027.

This plan aims to complement the broader Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan Strategic (RISDP) 2020-2030 and Vision 2050.

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Diamantino Pedro Azevedo, Angola’s Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, and Chairperson of the SADC Joint Committee, opened the meeting by addressing the pressing challenges posed by El Niño-induced droughts and floods.

Azevedo emphasized the need for enhanced water management strategies, including conservation, efficient irrigation practices, and substantial investments in water infrastructure.

He also advocated for diversifying the energy sector by investing in alternative sources to reduce dependency on hydropower and mitigate the impacts of climate-induced disruptions.

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Angéle Makombo NTumba, SADC Deputy Executive Secretary responsible for Regional Integration, delivered remarks on behalf of SADC Executive Secretary Elias Magosi.

She praised the collaborative efforts of stakeholders in implementing previous ministerial decisions, as well as those from the SADC Council meetings and the Summit of Heads of State and Government.

NTumba expressed the importance of coordinated and effective management of energy and water sector programmes.

The ministers evaluated the implementation status of key initiatives adopted by the SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government, held in Luanda in August 2023.

They also reviewed progress on decisions from prior joint meetings and examined ongoing projects aimed at achieving regional energy and water security.

Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Prince Lonkhokhela being interviewed during the meeting in Luanda, Angola.

In the energy sector, the ministers appreciated the progress in power generation and transmission projects designed to enhance energy supply security.

They deliberated on renewable energy programmes, directing the SADC Secretariat to expedite the development of the Just Energy Transition.

The approval of the SADC Regional Grid Code and concerns over infrastructure vandalism were significant discussion points.

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The ministers reiterated support for petroleum and gas projects, highlighting the importance of regional cooperation in these areas.

For the water sector, the ministers assessed initiatives to increase access to clean water and sanitation. They reviewed the work of Regional River Basin Organisations and the progress of flagship water supply projects.

Discussions also involved engaging with the World Bank on a new programme aimed at promoting energy trading in the SADC region through the Regional Energy Transmission, Trade and Decarbonisation (RETRADE) initiatives.

Additionally, the meeting focused on new regional integration priorities, including the development of Power Pools, transboundary water management, and the SADC Groundwater Management Phase III programme.

The ministers’ meeting was preceded by a session of senior officials responsible for energy and water, held from May 27 to 29, 2024, where 38 decisions were discussed and cleared for approval.

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