Eswatini Daily News

By Bahle Gama

The Kingdom of Eswatini has begun preparing for the World Radio Communication Conference 2027 (WRC-27).

The WRC is a conference organized by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to review and, as necessary, revise the Radio Regulations, the international treaty governing the use of the radio-frequency spectrum as well as geostationary and non-geostationary satellite orbits.

It is held every three to four years.

The first day of the four-day preparatory meeting leading to the WRC-27 was held at Happy Valley on Tuesday morning, wherein delegates from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) participated.

Representing the Minister of Information Communication Technology (ICT), the Principal Secretary Phesheya Dube said the WRC process, held every four years, is more than a technical forum it is a catalyst for progress.

It shapes the global framework for radio frequencies, ensuring their efficient and equitable use. But beyond the technicalities lies a profound impact on our daily lives.

From seamless communication to emergency services, from broadcasting to satellite navigation, the decisions made at WRC reverberate across our societies.

Dube said the WRC process, held every four years, is more than a technical forum it is a catalyst for progress.

ALSO READ: Eswatini host 1st SADC preparatory meeting for WRC-27

“It shapes the global framework for radio frequencies, ensuring their efficient and equitable use. But beyond the technicalities lies a profound impact on our daily lives.

From seamless communication to emergency services, from broadcasting to satellite navigation, the decisions made at WRC reverberate across our societies,” he said.

He applauded the unison portrayed at the WRC-23 by SADC countries towards the restoration of degraded orbital slots for both the Broadcasting Satellite Services (BSS), and the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS).

This collaborative effort according to the PS ensured connectivity, communication, education, and entertainment for people.

It also exemplifies the spirit of SADC, a family of nations working together for the greater good.

“Our gratitude goes to Angola, the current chairman of SADC, for their leadership and support.

Stakeholders from the SADC region posing for a group picture

Their guidance has been instrumental in promoting regional cooperation and advancing our collective goals.
Looking ahead to WRC-27, we embrace the increasing prominence of Space services.

Our region must seize this opportunity. Angola, our current SADC chair, leads by example in satellite technology.

We must leverage their expertise and explore innovative solutions. Eswatini is honoured to pioneer this preparatory process, recognizing that our collective wisdom surpasses individual capabilities,” he said.

The PS said as the deliberations continue, attendees should remember that the WRC process should not remain abstract, its outcomes must touch lives and ensure that the benefits of modern communications reach every corner of society.

It must ensure that a farmer in the heart of various villages can access weather forecasts via satellite, that a child in a remote village can learn through digital broadcasts, and that emergency responders and victims communicate seamlessly during a crisis.

“Inclusion and equitable access are our guiding stars,” Dube said.

Meanwhile, SADC Senior Programme Officer (SPO) ICT Dr George Ah-Thew Senior expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the government and people of Eswatini for having generously agreed to host the preparatory meeting for the WRC-27.

ALSO READ: SADC strategic plan geared towards integration of region – Speaker

Dr Ah-Thew Senior said the country’s first SADC preparatory meeting will receive the report on the WRC-23 outcomes from Tanzania as the SADC Chair for the WRC-23.

He noted that although the WRC-23 was tough and challenging, in general, the outcomes were overarchingly favourable for SADC and Africa as a whole.

According to Dr Ah-Thew Senior 14 out of 15 SADC Member States completed the application of the Special Procedure of Resolution 559 (WRC-19) to secure a new replacement for their impacted National satellite slot in the ITU Broadcasting Satellite Service (BSS) Plan.

“This was a milestone achievement for SADC in the recovery of lost satellite resources for BSS during the WRC-23 and ATU gave SADC Member States an Award for this achievement,” he said.

He stated that during the four-day meeting, the attendees plan to discuss and agree as a block to appoint management for the SADC structure and agree on nominations for SADC representatives for leadership positions to ATU Working Groups for the WRC-27.

He encouraged member states to think carefully and strategically and be guided by those who have experience, technical ability, and willingness to make the commitment of resources and consider gender mainstreaming.

ESCCOM hoping for decisions beneficial to SADC

Eswatini Communications Commission (ESCCOM) Chief Executive Mvilawemphi Dlamini says as the meeting sets up the working groups for the SADC preparatory process, he hopes decisions made will benefit the SADC region as a whole.

He said they are expecting these groups will be diligent in their work and that the comfort and peace of the country will be an enabler to the success of the preparatory meeting.

PS Phesheya Dube represented the Minister of ICT

“As the hosts, our team is prepared to provide the required assistance for the success of the meeting.

“We understand that for the next four days, you will be engaging in discussions to strategize on the way forward in preparation for the WRC-27 as well as the identification of key agenda items for the SADC region and we hope that you will have the most successful meeting and consequently a successful conference cycle,” he said.

He said that as a participant in previous WRCs, including the recent one held from November 20 to December 15, 2023, in Dubai, UAE, he noted with interest how the rest of the world is increasingly becoming ‘advocates’ for Africa in these discussions.

This he said is worrisome and it may be a sign that African countries are not doing and contributing enough to the process as a region and continent at large.

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“It is therefore my hope that the discussions and strategy from this meeting will focus on ensuring that the region plays a leading role in shaping the future usage of spectrum and space resources around the globe, with emphasis on items that seek to advance our collective interests.

If we are not careful, the old saying that ‘If you are not at the table then you are probably on the menu’ may be true for us, particularly in recognition of the fact that WRC decisions affect entire industries and ecosystems,” he said.

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