Eswatini Daily News

By Delisa Thwala

The Ministry of Agriculture has officially launched the Eswatini Livestock Value Chain Development Programme (ELVCDP) at the Lubulini dip tank.

This project is fully funded by the European Union to the tune of EUR 9.15 million (E183M). The launch took place on Thursday at the Lubulini dip tank in the Lubombo Region.

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Minister of Agriculture Mandla Tshawuka said the funding came at the right time as the Ministry is trying to introduce innovative technologies in the livestock sector.

Tshawuka is confident that this funding will play a significant role in developing, strengthening, and sustaining the beef and goat value chains.

He said he was cognisant and appreciative of the fact that the European Union has funded many programs hitherto. In recent times, these include the High-Value Crop and Horticulture Project and the Water Harvesting, Small and

Medium Dams Project.

“My gratitude goes to the European Union for upholding the cordial relationship that exists between this giant international organization and the Kingdom of Eswatini.

EU Ambassador and Minister of Agriculture

It is because of this mutually respectful, committed, and developmentally focused relationship that we are gathered here today,” said the Minister.

In addition, he said The European Union has prioritized the agriculture sector in this country, particularly commercial livestock production.

This is in line with the Government’s direction and the ministry’s strategic intent will significantly contribute to curbing unemployment, creating wealth, and injecting economic growth.

“The support from the EU has taken the form of technical and financial support towards the implementation of agricultural projects such as the Eswatini Livestock Value Chain

Development Programme that we are launching. This initiative is being implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture in partnership with the International Trade Centre (ITC),

supported as already indicated, by the European Union through the European Development Fund (EDF),” said the Minister.

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