Eswatini Daily News

With the festive season upon everyone, Royal Eswatini Police Service (REPS) have urged stokvel members to be more vigilant and cautious as they prepare to share their earnings/buy groceries.

Through a press statement on their social media platform, the police warned members of the public on all sorts of schemes that take place during the festive season, the main one being ‘Landela Gang’.

The police sent a strong warning to members of the public to be very vigilant this festive season and be wary of the so-called Boshaya and Landela gangs.

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They urged people not to be tricked and fall prey to any dubious get-rich quick scheme as the so-called Boshaya are also out in full force at this time.

The same applies to the so-called Landela Gang, which necessitates that cash security be prioritised by everyone to avoid regret.

The tendency of going around with large sums of money is a definite no-no and should be avoided at all costs.

REPS have warned the public to be extra careful with their stokvel money and savings.

Police appealed for responsible behaviour and conduct to prevail throughout the festive holidays, in order to be hedged from any form of crime and accident risk.

In particular, REPS urged people to avoid over-indulging in alcohol. this is more so as crime and accidents trends continue to portray, that alcohol is more often than not, at the centre of many an incident of violent crime and road carnage

“Do not carry large amount of cash, use financial entities to distribute your earnings. Buy direct from the shops, do not fall victim to scammers,’’ read the statement from the REPS.


It further warned, stokvel members planning to cash in should use safe places such as police stations.

In 2022 a man from Big Bend, believed to be an entrepreneur, lost about E500 000 after two men suspected to be members of the infamous ‘landela’ gang deceived him that they would assist him multiply the money using a certain chemical.

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