Eswatini Daily News
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Beijing Warns of Devastating Consequences for Any Interference in Taiwan Affairs

By Abbey Makoe

Chinese Foreign Ministry has taken umbrage with claims that authorities in the self-governing territory of Taiwan – a bona-fide integral part of China – have made a purchase of battle tanks from the US. 

Under the non-existent “defence ministry” of Taiwan, the US has reportedly supplied the Chinese island with 38 advanced Abrams battle tanks. 

This has prompted a strong rebuke from Beijing, with a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry Lin Jian stressing that “there is no such thing as the so-called defense ministry in Taiwan”. 

The US officially recognises the universally accepted position of the ONE-China principle, with Taiwan as an inalienable and integral part of China. 

Any moves, therefore, by any country to treat Taiwan as though it were an “independent” state are at odds with international law. On October 25, 1971, the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 2758, which recognised the People’s Republic of China as “the only legitimate representative of China to the UN”. 

In the wake of Washington’s apparent transgression of the IN Resolution 2758, Lin urged the US to adhere to the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, especially the August 17 Communique, and to stop arming the Taiwan island or supporting “Taiwan independence” forces in their attempts to seek independence through military means.

Lin pointed out that the island of Taiwan authorities’ attempts to “seek independence through military means” and “rely on foreign forces for independence” are doomed to fail. He emphasized that China will firmly safeguard its national sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity. 

The majority of the UN member-states and indeed the international community recognise the One-China Principle as a fundamental diplomatic dynamic upon which to build peace. 

China has thus far refused the temptation to use for to force the reunification of Taiwan into the mainland. However, as Taiwan is an integral part of China, any foreign interference in China’s internal matters will certainly be met with force, if it comes to a push. However, President Xi Jinping’s administration has steadfastly chosen a path of peaceful reunification, instead of unnecessary use of force. 

Washington has elected to use ties with the pre-separatist grouping in Taipei as a convenient tool for the diplomatic differences with Beijing. Under international law, UN Resolution 2758 clearly gives direction on the irreversible Once-China Principle. 

Abbey Makoe is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief: Global South Media Network. The opinions expressed are his and don’t represent those of the publication.

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