Eswatini Daily News

TV Licence Eswatini - Directory

We have subsequently improved and expanded our value propositions to meet growing digital channels, and have launched products that speak to the ‘mobile-first’ medium and have taken our directories online – with great results. With over thousands unique searches per month and the most comprehensive business database, Eswatini have come to rely on our Directory to find local information online.

Our aim is to offer all small businesses access to an online footprint which will enable growth and increased awareness within their business sectors. Our long-standing commitment to marketing entrepreneurs and SME’s holds true years down the line. To be listed pay only E250.00 with us and be listed below.

TV Licence Eswatini

Project ManagerContact: Modicai Donga
Madlenya House, Ground Floor Eswatini TV Licence Corner Gwamile and Mdada Street, Mbabane Hhohho Swaziland Mbabane SwazilandWork Phone: +26834020988Work Phone: +26834341234Website: TV Licence
Photo of TV Licence Eswatini

Biographical Info

The Television Licence Project is a consortium of S.V. Mdladla and Associates and DataNet (the “Consultant”) mandated by Eswatini Television Authority (ETVA) to collect current and outstanding television licence fees, put systems in place for ease of television licence fee collection and to enforce the Swaziland Television Authority Act of 1983. The Project started its operations in May 2017.


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