Eswatini Daily News

SSA Condemns Facebook Post

It is with heartfelt regret that Swaziland Sugar Association (SSA) learnt this morning of vile utterances on a Facebook post wherein the profile of the user had a link to our organisation. Sadly, the Facebook post belittles women and the impact of rape.

SSA would like to categorically distance itself from the utterances made and summarily state that the organization strongly condemns such vile disregard for women and their abuse. SSA upholds human dignity, and integrity as one of its strongest values. Such utterances do not only counter the organization’s ethical standards but also sets back years of lobbying for the regard of women and human rights, particularly at a time when the world is experiencing appalling numbers of cases of rape and gender-based violence. The SSA ethics and code of conduct also condemns and forbids such behaviour as in the Facebook post. 

Accordingly, SSA disassociates itself from such awful and insensitive statements. The said user is no longer employed by SSA. The Facebook post and its subsequent effect to the public is hugely regretted.

Statement by Thabile Maripe, PR & CSI Specialist

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