Eswatini Daily News

Ekukhanyeni High School Up in Flames!

Fear remains to abound at Ekukhanyeni High after 5 pupils have died within a period less than 5 Months which has brought panic within the school compound since the reason isn’t clear as to what is happening.

Pupils who were contacted earlier today said that they are now afraid there might be more pupils who are dying judging by the recent ‘mysterious’ deaths.

In fact, the theory at the school is that the five deaths are somehow connected and thus the fears that about other pupils could be next. They told us that they suspect one of their staff members within the school (Name Known to Publication) is involved in this whole saga.

Worth considering is that these Pupils are part of the five Students who burned down a Traditional Healer consulting house “Indumba”. Community members also believe the deaths are connected. They told this publication that the five pupils who ended their lives were suspected to have been part of the five that are said to have burnt an indumba ( traditional healer’s hut) sometime ago.

Some of the community members and learners who were interviewed are of the view that the pupils are being haunted by spirits of the things that were burnt. The bone of contention in all this; is that the pupils believed that the school team was not winning because the inyanga had something to do with it, hence they decided to gut it down,” said one pupil.

We then contacted Phindile Vilakati who is currently the new PRO at The Royal Eswatini Police Services, who confirmed the situation happening at Ekukhanyeni today, elaborating that there was an ongoing situation that the police managed to control. When asked to confirm the numbers of death happening around, she said, unfortunately, that information isn’t much confirmed but she is aware that there will be a funeral this weekend.

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