Eswatini Daily News

Engen Filling station in Mbabane will go down in history

Engen Filling station in Mbabane will go down in history as the first place to provide a full range of MTN Mobile Money services, 24-hours daily. This means it is now possible to do a SIM swap, register your SIM card, or access any Mobile Money service any time of the day and night

For a while now, Engen Filling station has been doing extremely well, something that culminated in the extension of both the range of services offered and the timelines as well. That the outlet will now be offering selected MTN services 24-hours each day started on Friday last week, and so far, the response from the public is nothing short of impressive.

MTN is looking at forging partnerships with other filling stations which operate 24 hours to ensure that our valued customers don’t have to wait for sunrise to access our services.

Given that the festive season is upon us, we encourage the public to be vigilant – and not share their PINs with Mobile Money vendors because by so doing they weaken control measures and open themselves to a risk of losing money in their Mobile Money wallet. As long as Mobile Money users stick to security guidelines, the platform is extremely safe, and the chances of losing money are almost non-existent.

On the other hand, our agents have been trained on what measures they can use to ensure their safety, and that of their customers. For instance, during initial and refresher training workshops, our agents have been oriented on how to spot fake notes using multiple methods some of which are home-grown, and inexpensive.

Additionally, technology has availed additional methods to test the authenticity of money. Such skills are meant to equip our agents so that they are able to readily spot fake notes, for instance.

Since the launch of MTN Mobile Money in 2011, we have learnt over the years how the payment platform is often targeted by those who need to exchange fake notes for genuine money. However, we would like to assure the public that our agents are equipped for such instances.

In the unlikely event that fake notes are deposited, we have systems in place to ensure that the culprits are timeously traced and dealt with through a process of law

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