Eswatini Daily News

Establishing Relationship Goals for 2019

As we get ready to enter a new year some of you may be thinking of goals not only for yourself but for you and your significant other.

There are admittedly quite a few nay-sayers when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. Many even argue that they don’t really work at all. However, the University of Scranton conducted a series of studies on folks that committed to goals for the new year, and the results were really impressive. First, 46 percent of people that committed to their resolutions were successful which is, like, a lot of people! The other portion of the study assessed folks who identified a problem in their lives that they wished to solve but didn’t make detailed resolutions or plans towards solving them. Out of those, only four percent of the “non-resolvers” ended up changing their behaviour. It goes to show that some intentional planning at the start of your year could really set you up for success later on.

So why not introduce this into your love life? No matter what stage you’re at in your relationship, you can identify achievable resolutions for a happier, more fulfilling partnership. The following goals for 2019 can be personal resolutions for your dating life or resolutions that you and your partner plan together. If you’re interested in adding some relationship goals to your calendar in 2019, consider the following tips!

If you and bae have defined the relationship but haven’t made it public yet, consider making this a goal for the new year. It doesn’t have to be anything grand; it could even be done by posting a cute picture of the two of you on the ‘gram. It can also be really cute if you both post the same picture at the same time.

All right, all right, hear me out on this one, OK? If you’ve been seeing your crush for a while and you’ve wanted to communicate that you care about them, a toothbrush could be the move. This is because when someone stays over, you can offer them something they need in daily life and therefore communicate that you’d like them to keep coming over. By giving them a toothbrush that you keep in your bathroom, you’re communicating that they have a place in your personal life.

When it comes to feeling closer to bae, you can try getting out of your comfort zones together! If there’s something that both of you have been interested in trying for forever, consider signing up for a class or workshop together. This could range from a dance class to learn a foreign language to even training for a race together.

To make a memory jar, you take a small receptacle like a vase or jar and fill it with tiny notes about moments that made you happy throughout the year. You can make this a love jar with your partner in 2019 by filling it with notes of small moments you appreciated about the life you’re building together. You can also plan to read the notes on your anniversary or another important date for the two of you.

When it comes to getting to know your partner better, taking a trip is an opportunity to do just that. Travelling with people helps you learn a lot about a person. If you and your partner work crazy hours, you could start planning a small trip or retreat during 2019. To level this goal up, you could even plan a trip to meet family or revisit one of your hometowns.

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