Eswatini Daily News


Identity is a collection of attributes that defines how we see ourselves. It is the ultimate answer to the question: who am I? obviously, I know my name but I am talking about the real person beneath the three stripped pants and checked oversized t-shirt.

Looking around us we see different type of people and we judge the type of person the maybe from the way they dress which goes to show how powerful fashion is. Fashion gives others a sense of who you are, a sense of your identity. In today’s Western society people address other individuals based in the way they are dressed.

To make a clear illustration of this 20-year-old dressed in ripped bum shorts, crop top and a pair of vans would definitely not get the same treatment as her an age mate who has her body covered up in a maxi skirt, formal shirt and a pair of black heels.

Fashion and identity can never be separated. Fashion can be compared to art. The use that people give to the clothes is like an architect that gives his creation any shape he desires and want and at the same time is the reflection of the architect’s toughs, believes and also the place and the social class for who he is designing for, this works as a perfect example because people look in one way when they are going to work and they are some other where they are just hanging out with friends.

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