Eswatini Daily News

Domestic Abuse Doubles During Lockdown

The number of domestic abuse cases doubled from the time government announced the partial lockdown for Eswatini due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to the Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse (SWAGAA) there were over 40 cases of abuse received and dealt with by the organization between the period 30 March to 24 April 2020. This is twice as much as receiving 15 to 20 cases of abuse cases in a normal month.

According to statistics released by SWAGAA, 27 emotional abuse cases were reported to the organisation during that period. Nineteen of those cases were reported by female adults; four were from female children while the other four were from male adults.

Sexual abuse cases were standing at five cases with four being from female children and one from female adult.

Physical and financial abuse recorded four cases respectively with each equally having 3 cases from female adults and one case from a female child respectively.

SWAGAA Communications and Advocacy Officer Slindele Nkosi has urged people to report cases of abuse to her organisation so they can receive the necessary counselling.

She said SWAGAA has created a free SMS platform where the public may join by firstly sending the word “SWAGAA” to the number 8500 then follow the prompts with the last message confirming their membership as “U-Reporters”.

“From there, they can report their cases that they are either experiencing or witnessing and one of SWAGAA’s counsellors will respond. All this is free and reporters remain anonymous,” explained Nkosi.

The organisation is also available for one-on-one counselling sessions on a partial opetational basis following Covid-19 regulations.

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