WhatsApp fans could soon get access to a feature many have been desperately waiting for. The new update, which is finally available for testing to those running beta versions of the chat app, enables users to send and receive texts from multiple gadgets using a new feature known as “Linked Devices”.
Currently, the only way to chat to friends and family using another device – other than the smartphone with your SIM card – is to use WhatsApp Web. This popular service works pretty well, but it requires your smartphone to be powered up and connected to the internet. Not only that, but you’ll need to have the phone close to hand in order to scan a QR code in order to complete the sign-in process.
Thankfully, the new update would end all that and allow up to four devices to be signed-in to your WhatsApp account. These would all be able to access your chat history, make calls, answer video calls, and more simultaneously.
It’s sure to be hugely popular and now it appears to be one step closer to a release. According to the ever-reliable team at WAbetainfo, a test version of this function is now in the hands of beta testers.