Eswatini Daily News

Let’s go local because local is always lekker

Eswatini is a country full of young talented people who are doing amazing things and working hard to realize their dreams. The music industry in the country is growing and it is incredible how EmaSwati are supporting our own artists. Siphosethu Sifundza whose stage name is Hugo Stuart is a local up and coming artist born and raised in the Kingdom of Eswatini in Shewula in the Lubombo Region. Well, we had the opportunity to have an interview with the guy.

Who is Hugo Stuart?
Hugo Stuart is a young man who has been in love with music since I was 9 years old. I love making music and believe I’m playing my own part in changing the world for the better through music.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?
I would say I do RNB, pop, Afro pop, hip-hop and house but whatever the genre I always make sure that it’s soothing music, it makes one thing and it’s inspiring. It’s music that gives you hope and makes one feel good so basically, I’m a versatile artist.

If you could open a show for any artist who would it be?
Definitely Drake

What is your favorite song to perform?
Emadloti akitsi, it made top 10 in our local chart and there is another one called itolo loku. It’s about an experience of mine and whenever I perform it the crowd loves and I can see that they actually relate.

What famous musicians do you admire?
Drake, The Game, Chris Brown, Bholoja,

What is the best artist you have ever been given?
A friend of mine once told me that whatever work I put into my music, the hard work and not giving up on my dream is actually inspiring someone out there and I should not stop.

If you could change anything in the music industry what would it be?

Locally, I would really love the government to support local talent. We really need support and that kind of support would go a long way. I would also like to ask EmaSwati to take local music serious and support us. Authenticity is also important so artists should be as real as possible.

What is the most useless talent that you have?
Well, I’ve been told how funny I am.

Do you sing in the shower?
Yes, I definitely do… I sing a lot of Drake and Big Zulu as well.

What would you be doing if not music?
Music is my life and I don’t see myself doing anything but music… It saved my life.

Where have you performed?
I have performed in Big bend, Matata, Finesse, I do a lot of bashes and parties.

How do you feel the internet has impacted the music industry?
It has, big time and it has shaped the way we market our music. As we speak right now I’m sitting at +10000 views and plays on my audio mac. Everyone can market their music cheaper and can interact with their fans and market to a global audience through the internet. You can also be visual and explain your tracks and do live shows as well through apps like TikTok. The fans comments really motivate us.

What message would you like to give your fans?
Guys let’s keep pushing and follow our dreams. Love yourself and keep listening to my music. I also want them to know that I love them and they really inspire me.

What’s next for Hugo Stuart?
I want to drop a couple of videos, last year I dropped Ingoto music video and it did really well. I will also drop a few tracks and I also have a recording studio so I would like to sign some artists. I am Hugo Stuart on Facebook so people can hit me up for more info.

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