Eswatini Daily News
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Over 170 000 emaSwati Fully Vaccinated.

According to a press statement released by Minister of Health Senator Lizzie Nkosi there are currently 170 000 emaSwati that are fully vaccinated.

The Ministry of Health’s rollout of their vaccines was initially slow since its kick off almost six months ago due to insufficient vaccine supplies. It has since picked up over the past few weeks following the delivery of the Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines from the COVAX facility.

“We still have enough vaccines to administer to all eligible emaSwati” reads the press statement.

Following the reopening of school classes this week, Senator Nkosi further revealed a partnership with the Ministry of Education as the Ministry will deploy teams to support school health teams in performing vaccination exercises in schools for eligible students.

Image sourced @EswatiniGovern1

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