Eswatini Daily News
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Free Illa Penboy from Political Entanglements

10 September 2021

A few days ago, a well known Philanthropists Illa Penboy has been facing criticism on social media about his Charity Foundation because he receives a lot of support from companies that are believed to be linked to Royalty and individuals that are pro Tinkhundla. The views of people are divided. Those against feel that Illa should not receive assistance from these companies and individuals. They feel he is just a puppet for Royalty.

Those in favour of Illa’s work feel that it is irrelevant where he gets support from. As a philanthropist he should be free to work with whoever he wants to work with and his charity work should not be politicized. What matters the most is that he is helping the less privileged in the community.

Others say there is nothing wrong with companies partnering with Illa. He has the time and skill to go all over the country making a difference in peoples lives and the companies have the funds. Such partnerships are welcome and should be encouraged.

More lives have been saved from hunger because of the food hampers he delivers. Others have a roof over their head because of the houses he built. Many go to bed happy because of Illa’s golden heart.

According to the Charity Commission of Northern Ireland a charity is supposed to be traditionally outside of politics. The independent nature of charitable sector is of fundamental importance to society and is greatly valued by the public.

Illa should be freed from political entanglements and be allowed to do what he knows best – charity.

Keep up the good work Illa

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