Eswatini Daily News
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Eswatini strengthening Security in response to ongoing arson attacks on national infrastructure

Eswatini Daily News

28 September 2021

Following the statement by His Excellency the Prime Minister Cleopas Dlamini on Thursday last week, security forces have strengthened patrols and roadblocks to ensure compliance with curfew hours. The police have also increased visibility around the country in response to the ongoing sporadic arson attacks on schools and Tinkhundla centres.

The Prime Minister last week addressed the continued disruption of classes and the burning of schools and Tinkhundla Centers. The Prime Minister said that the country’s security forces will intensify security patrols during the curfew hours with the aim of protecting state property and the lives of Eswatini citizens. Dlamini speaking during the briefing said the government is concerned and worried about the recent events of the arson attacks on the country’s infrastructure mainly the Tinkhundla Centers.

He reminded the nation on the importance of the Tinkhundla Centers as they serve as an agency for development. Tinkhundla play a vital role in record keeping and elderly payments are kept in these centers, that’s why it is important to protect these structures from ongoing arson attacks.

The Prime Minister urged the nation to practice peaceful settlement of disputes, as eMaswati  are known for their mutual respect and tolerance for each other.

Featured image sourced from: @EswatiniGovern1

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