Eswatini Daily News
Court Crime e-Learning National Sponsored

E2 000 fine for illegal possession of 8.4 kg of dagga

By Bahle Gama

A 29-year-old man has been fined E2 000 for the illegal possession of dagga.

Majobo Sanele Gamedze of the Hluthi area was arrested at Ngwenya Border Post for illegally possessing 8.4 kg of dagga, which is considered a poisonous or harmful substance.

Gamedze was charged with contravening Section 12 (1) (a) as read with Section 12 (1) (c) (iii) of the Pharmacy Act No.38 of 1929 as amended. Appearing before Magistrate Lenhle Zulu, Gamedze told the court that he was trying to make quick cash to cater to his children who are solely dependent on him.

“I plead for the court’s leniency, I have learned my lesson. I will ensure to find legal means to make money as advised by the court,” he said.

Magistrate Zulu sentenced Gamedze to two years in prison with an option of a fine of E2 000 and further explained his right to appeal to him.

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