Eswatini Daily News

By Ncaba Ntshakala

The Small Enterprises Development Company (SEDCO) has shared an astounding success on the MTN-SEDCO Cija Ngebhizinisi as 20 finalists completed the program and emerged victorious. The finalists came out successful in the educative and enriching training program.

SEDCO has further reported that the top 20 finalists embraced a comprehensive curriculum focused on essential aspects of business development, ranging from business planning to risk management and strategic pricing strategies.

The MTN-SEDCO Cija Ngebhizinisi initiative aims at nurturing budding entrepreneurs and supporting economic empowerment.

The program also equips individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the competitive business landscape of Eswatini.

SEDCO Chief Executive Officer, Khetsiwe Mhlanga commended the finalists for their dedication and perseverance. Mhlanga shared an inspiring message urging participants to embrace the challenges of entrepreneurship with resilience and determination.

In her motivational address, the CEO emphasized the gradual journey towards business success, highlighting the importance of perseverance, reinvestment of profits, and the cultivation of a lasting legacy for future generations.

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“Real life in business takes you over time to be where you aspire to be. You might struggle but as you continue and reinvest your profits, your business grows exponentially.

By those little steps, you will know you are creating a legacy for generations to come.” stated Mhlanga. “For you is to ensure that you apply what you have learned from the training knowing that you have to ensure that the entrepreneurship ecosystem continues to thrive in Eswatini.”

SEDCO CEO Khetsiwe Mhlanga

The MTN Eswatini Foundation in partnership with SEDCO conducts a radio programme titled “MTN SEDCO Cija Ngebhizinisi”.

The programme provides training on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and airs through the Eswatini Broadcasting & Information Services (EBIS) 1 for a period of eighteen weeks.

The programme highlights various aspects of business management that include, business idea generation, business planning, marketing, customer care, recordkeeping, incorporating technology in business, occupational health & safety, e-commerce and business survival strategies post Covid-19.

According to SECO, this is done by enabling MSMEs of Eswatini to access space for showcasing their products in local and international trade fairs and similar events.

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The Small Enterprises Development Company (SEDCO) is a public enterprise that the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini wholly owns.

SEDCO exists as a legal persona that was established in 1970 under the Companies Act No.7 of 1912 as a limited company and is a category “A” public enterprise under the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade.

SEDCO is further an organization established to create, develop, and promote Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Kingdom of Eswatini.

We exist primarily to stimulate homegrown entrepreneurship with sustainable economic growth through entrepreneurship development and growth.

MSME development features prominently in the country’s strategy for economic development as articulated by the National Development Strategy (NDS), the Strategic Road Map for Economic Recovery and the MSME Policy 2018.

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