Eswatini Daily News
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Pedros’ jokes ‘Nan-funny’ to Nando’s

By Bahle Gama

For a company that is always dishing out controversial ‘hot and spicy’ jokes and puns, it seems Nandos is unable to comprehend those from their competitor Pedros.

The competitor (Pedros) reportedly used the word ‘Nan” in two of its ads giving the impression that their chicken is better than Nandos’, and the company is not having it.
Nando’s legal team submitted to the Advertising Regulatory Board (ARB) that Pedros’ ads are not funny and only belittling Nando’s whilst promoting its own business.

The ARB reportedly found that the use of ‘Nan’ by Pedros does indeed reference Nando’s in the context of flame-grilled chicken.

In its defence, Pedros said Nando’s has for many years relied on controversial adverts that have made fun of competitors adding that “not only does Nando’s take advantage of the advertising goodwill of other brands but goes so far as to discredit or disparage said brands, including

Pedros further stated that the word “Nan” is not a registered trademark of Nando’s but that of Nestle, referring to its NAN infant formula.
ARB said Pedros’ reference proved that the company is riding off the back of its competitors instead of establishing itself as a delicious, flame-grilled chicken takeaway brand.

The Business Insider reported that in one of the television commercials, a couple is seen embracing at the beach enjoying the view when the woman asks if the man is thinking what she is thinking, to which he responds with “a delicious, juicy peri-peri smothered Nan…”

He is however interrupted by the woman who with intense emotion places her finger on his lips saying “shhh. Don’t you mean Pedros?” to which he agrees, and they are seen enjoying chicken from Pedros.

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